In compliance with section 43 of the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act, 2002, the following information is made available by UnitedTech (Pty) Ltd:

  1. Full name and legal status: UnitedTech (Pty) Ltd is a private company incorporated in accordance with the company laws of the Republic of South Africa.
  2. Physical addresses, telephone numbers, web site addresses, and email addresses:

38 Bluegum Road, Bordeaux

Randburg 2194 and

South Africa

Tel: +27 010 1100 010
Website address:

Email address:

  1. UnitedTech is a not member of any self‐regulatory or accreditation bodies.
  2. UnitedTech does not subscribe to any code of conducts.
  3. UnitedTech Registration details:

Registration Number: 2015/351186/07

Place of registration: 38 Bluegum Road, Bordeaux, Randburg 2194